Thursday, January 18, 2007

What I'm doing this weekend

... I'm going to Quilt Symposium Manawatu

The event opens at lunchtime today and runs through til Wednesday the 24th of January. I have a friend coming from Wellington to stay and I hope to have the chance to catch up with friends from my old quilt groups over the weekend. There's the usual associated activities - exhibitions and a merchants mall; the latter representing a major threat to my wallet despite my groaning fabric shelves. I mean really - you can't go to an event like this and not buy something. Need is such an ugly word don't you think?

I've registered for two classes:

On Monday it's Artist Trading Cards with Jan Mullen of Stargazey Quilts. I've been a admirer of Jan's work for a long time and I love her fabrics - they're so bright and vibrant.

On Tuesday I'm doing a class called The Art Quiltlet with Deanna Hartman which I hope will stretch my artistic ability (or lack thereof) a little.

Both workshops involve small projects and there's a slight chance that I might actually finish something.

I'm also going to three lectures. Priscilla Bianchi will share her experiences about about how she started quilting (and got hooked); and how she overcame obstacles living in Guatemala without any quilting tradition, community or resources. My houseguest is doing Priscilla's workshop. Lecture two is Jan Krentz who is going to present a collection of her work including recent quilts seen from her three books. I have her Lone Star quilt book and it is pure eye candy. Finally, Jane Sassaman will give a pep talk and slide show about accomplishing your work in spice of obstacles - family life, space limitations etc.

See you in a few days.

1 comment:

Lis said...

Excellent! I hope you have a fabulous time and learn lots of new quilting thingies and buy lots of pretty fabrics :D

I wondered what the heck was going on when you said you wouldn't be able to e-mail for a few days - I'm glad it's because you are taking some time for yourself! :D