Monday, June 11, 2007

Buzzy Bees and Kiwis

I can't believe how slack I've been since I got back from vacation and that it's been over a month since I posted anything. I guess I haven't really got back into baking or trying out new recipes so there has been nothing to share.

Before I left for my holiday I mentioned that I was burning the midnight oil trying to get some baby quilts finished for friends we would be visiting. I was sewing the binding on the quilts just hours before my plane left and had to pack a needle and thread to finish the handsewing at my destination. Deadlines and me do not play well together.

I'm pleased to say that our friends are the proud parents of two adorable little boys who weighed in at 5lbs, 3oz and 4 lbs, 6 oz respectively.

The finished quilts...

Closeup of Buzzy Bee quilt...

Closeup of Kiwi quilt...


Helene said...

Yeah you're back!!!
The quilts look adorable. Great job...I cam barely do hems on pants!

Lis said...

Awww beautiful quilts, sweetie! You did a fabulous job. =)

Congrats to your friends on their new arrivals, how wonderful is that? :D


barbie2be said...

those are darling! welcome back, Morv!