OK so this isn't a recipe post as I promised but look at what I got recently!!
Have you ever participated in a Blogging by Mail aka BBM? The idea of getting a package full of goodies was one of the spurs that got me started with my blog and I have the wonderful Stephanie of Dispensing Happiness to thank for that. Then from my first BBM I became friends with the lovely Lis of La Mia Cucina who talked me into becoming a Daring Baker and the rest, they say, is history.
Seriously though back to the package. Stephanie and I have gotten to know each other a little since then and I've sent her a random package here and there - some Turkish Delight after she mentioned it in a post referring to The Chronicles of Narnia (wow hard to believe that was over a year ago); and a Donna Hay magazine. Well the randomness was reciprocated with a fantastic selection of goodies which Stephanie selected to try and give me a taste of Americana.
What did she send?
A box of Jiffy corn muffin mix - I love corn muffins and cornbread in any way shape or form; sweet or savoury
A selection of indivual servings of the kind of sugary cereal you always look at on the shelves but know you really should pick the low fat, high fibre granola instead
A contanier of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies which says it's 4 servings but looks like just one to me! What's up with manufacturers and their inconsistent serving sizes?
A bottle of Annie's naturals organic yellow mustard
Some BBQ sauce - not her favourite kind she said but it was one she found in a plastic bottle rather than glass. It's Dinosaur brand from Syracuse NY and is described as "sensuous slathering sauce"
Some Chef Boyardee Ravioli - I'll keep this in my drawer at work for a winter lunch
San Marcos chipotle peppers in adobo sauce - Stephanie must have read my mind as my supply is almost out and they're only available by mail order in NZ. I use it for Rachel Ray's Park City Chicken
Some candy - Necco wafers, Nerds and orange flavoured TicTacs - mmmmmm sugar
and of course what package would be complete without chocolate - it's the good stuff, some Belgian milk chocolate and some Paul Newman brand peanut butter cups and and two kinds of Paul Newman brand milk chocolate bars. Their comment on the package which says "To find out how eating this chocolate helps the planet..." somehow makes you feel completely justified doesn't it!
Lastly a little personal indulgence - a travel sized selection of Burt's Bees products - they smell gooooooood.
Thank you Stephanie you really spoiled me.
I've signed up for the latest round of BBM and my package is winging its way to .... yeah I know it's a secret but I'll give you a clue......Pittsburgh. Is it destined for you??
you got stephanie? that's so cool! what a great package.
how is your supply of tootsie roll minis doing? do you need a refreshing?
Oh man...if that package is destined for me I am super excited!
Regarding the Anzac biscuits: I did use golden syrup. In the past few years our local stores have started stocking baking ingredients that aren't typically in a US grocery...golden syrup, custard powder, unsweetened coconut, green tea powder, chestnut flour/puree/cream, kataifi, almond flour, etc.
Pittsburgh is really great for bakers.
Sorry it took me a while to stop by (as promised!). What a fabulous package!!!!! I'm sure you will enjoy every little foodie gift.
Great package! I loved BBM.
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